Monday, July 1, 2013

Today, I am going to talk about what I like go out to eat.
Really, I do not have a favorite food how Chinese food, Indian food or food from another country, but when I go to anyplace to vacations or only for touring, I love to taste the local food. For example, many times I went to Pomaire with my grandfather. When we were there, he invited me to eat empanadas of one kilograms or pastel de choclo, cakes or any local and typical meal. 
When I went to San Antonio on vacations with my boyfriend’s family, we went to a restaurant. There, we ate pastel de jaiva, fried food and seafood empanadas.  When I went to Punta Arenas with my boyfriend, his uncle invited us to famous restaurants there. We ate local food like choripan with milk with banana for the luch. In the night, we went to another restaurant and there we ate more food, like seafood, rice with seafood and the inevitable French fries to accompany the fish and other meals.
Well, how I said above, I don’t have a food like international food how my favorite food. Instead, I love to eat local food wherever I go (:  

Monday, June 24, 2013

Now, I am going to talk about things that I really love.
One of the things that I really love is read poetry. I always visit the site, where I can read poetry for hours. There you can find poems of many poetries, including Nicanor Parra, who is one of my favorites poetries. I like so much his antipoetry, I think that he is a genius, I love his antipoems. In fact, when I’m feeling sad or very happy, or in other state of soul, I always read poetry, because it makes me feel so good.
Another thing that I really love is to have time with my family, with my parents, my brother, uncles, grandfather and all my kindred. I have this habit because all my familie have always lived near, then all of they came to my house and we always have time together.  I love the entire days with them because I can talk with all of them, have discussions about many things, receive experiences that I do not have and very funnies histories. After this reunions, I always felt that I had a good time, I felt very good for this and for had time with people that I really love.
Finally, one of the things that I really like is cycling, because it always relax me and it is very good because is very healthy for people. 

Monday, June 17, 2013


I’m studing this career because I think that is very, very important help peopleo with psychological problems, even more now, because this society, this economy make people to be sick, to have stress, less time with their families and all this things bring problems for the people. So, the psychologist are very important in our  society, because they help people to minimize or eliminate this problems from their lives.

I think that a psychologist have to be very compressive, attentive and have to be alert to all the signals that the pacient gives in his treatment, because the minimum signal can give a clue to know what is happening with the pacient.

For the moment, I don’t have a favorite subject, because I don’t have the enough  time to have a favorite subject.

My favorite branch is the humanist psychology, because it has a different point of view. It sees people like persons, not like a group of reactions or millions of neurons. It sees people like what are really they, like persons with a personality, with likes and aspirations, It gives people a little push, it helps people to be conscious for themselves that they can be better and they can get ahead.

For this I really want to be a humanist psychologist, because I want to help people thinking that they are people and not reactions or neurons, this point of view makes me love this area.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Today I will go to speak about the present strike for a better and free education.
Today, many people are in the streets marching for a common objective, a free and better education. This movement began in 2006 when the students began with the strikes and many universities and schools were taken. The strike has continued since this year until now.
Now, our reasons are the same than years ago, free and better education for all the people that can’t have access to have an education, because it have to be an obligation for the state to provide this basic right for all the people. With a better and free education, we would have less delinquency and a better economy, because the people would be more productive, and this is not better only for the country and for the companies’s  owners, this is also good for people, because this better productive means better salaries.  
I have obtained from the current strike many thinks, like be more conscious about the reality of a country that is not the thing that the media says, when newspapers like “El Mercurio” talks about growing and a healthy economy. Our country is not a developed country and in this kind of things you can realize it.
Now, about my performance with my career. Of course that the strike affects me, but there are things that are importantest than it. 
If you like my “article”, you  can let here your comments (: thanks! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Free your mind. Orielle Cisternas.

Free your mind

I think talking about dreams it’s very difficult, because it’s not easy to choose just a few of them and, furthermore, I’m very unpredictable, so my decisions change all the time.But let’s talk about present: nowadays, I have think about go away from the city and live in countryside. This dream appeared in my last outing in the south (I went to Los Angeles when I was on vacation) and it’s an aim I really want to fulfill, not just for my well-being, but for my baby girl too. The absence of noises, the starry sky and the pure air are examples of things I want to incorporate to my daily life.

Country is a place where you can live in regular calmness, enjoying your relationship with nature in every way, establishing brand new perspectives about the society and world in general, and making your life better and healthier. When you have interior peace, you can transmit it to the other people. I’m not talking about a solitaire life; I mean that we will prepare to build a better society in cooperation with others only when we develop tolerance and respect. My opinion is that we could achieve that level of community when we are in peace with ourselves. In my case, I’ll do that in a place that comforts me.

By now, that’s all.

Remember: dreams are the engine of our life.

Post you comments, suggestions and complaints below :)

Free your mind

I think talking about dreams it’s very difficult, because it’s not easy to choose just a few of them and, furthermore, I’m very unpredictable, so my decisions change all the time.But P. [time. But] let’s talk about present: nowadays, I have think about go away from the city and live in countryside. This dream appeared in my last outing in the south (I went to Los Angeles when I was on vacation) and it’s an aim I really want to fulfill, not just for my well-being, but for my baby girl too. The absence of noises, the starry sky and the pure air are examples of things I want to incorporate to my daily life.

Country is a place where you can live in regular calmness, enjoying your relationship with nature in every way, establishing brand new perspectives about the society and world in general, and making your life better and healthier. When you have interior peace, you can transmit it to the other people. I’m not talking about a solitaire life; I mean that we will prepare to build a better society in cooperation with others only when we develop tolerance and respect. My opinion is that we could achieve that level of community when we are in peace with ourselves. In my case, I’ll W.E. [I’d like to] do that in a place that comforts me.

By now, that’s all.

Remember: dreams are the engine of our life.

Post you W.W. [your] comments, suggestions and complaints below :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sir Ken Robinson's talk "Do Schools Kill Creativity?

        In the conference, Sir Ken Robinson talks about many things, but I think that there are three principal themes. One of them was that the schools use an educational system very hierarchical. In this hierarchical pyramid, in the last position we have the arts, like music, dance and drama. Here we have the second important think, because for this hierarchical system, all the people think that if you want to be a musician or a dancer, you are not going to be a great musician, because you have to be focused in the first things of the pyramid, like mathematics or language, because apparently this areas are more important than the arts. Here, I think that we have the importantest point in the conference, because for this hierarchical educational system, many people kill all creativity in children, because this people want only mathematical or scientist people and they think this for the hierarchical system. When children in the schools want to study arts or music, they are “discriminated”, and their father think that they are wrong instead of they are more creative or they have different capabilities like be extraordinaries dancers, painters or football managers.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Transpersonal Psychology :)

Dear all, today I’ll do a reflecting task about my presentation.

I presented about Transpersonal psychology. I chose this topic because I think that is a new and interesting therapy. I also think that it’s different of the rest of areas, because they are filled of classifications and I don’t agree with that. I think that is a mistake to classificate people with standardized caracteristics, because they cover many different things and it  make they very general and erroneous.

I think that I organized it very good and clear, because first I did an introduction explaining the origins of the word and who was the first person who use it. Also, I said the founders of this theory. After that, I spoke about what say the transpersonal psychology and what are its bases. Finally, I said something about important authors in this area, like Masloy and Assagioli.

If I could make the presentation again, I’d like to be less nervous and more prepared, not in the information or the structure of the presentation, but yes in know all the information and not have to read nothing, absolutely nothing. Also, I’d like to be more secure of my knowledge and my capabilities, because if I trust in this, I’ll make a better presentation.